Watch this video on Klout.
Read these articles on Kred, Klout and PeerIndex. Take your time and read these carefully.
Discuss your impressions with a group of 2 to 3 fellow students. Express your opinions and listen to others' point of view.
Discussion Starters -
1. Do you think social influence measurement is a good idea or is it a "cancer on social media"?
2. If you knew your conversations were being rated, would it change your behavior?
3. Does social media measurement change the way people behave online?
4. What would you think if a friend recommended a product for you on social media, then you found out that they had received a free sample as a perk?
5. What if you were offered a perk? How would you deal with it?
Write a one page paper in Microsoft Word answering the following questions:1. What are these companies attempting to do and why?
2. Why are companies interested in their work?
3. What are these companies attempting to understand?
4. How could this data be used by employers?
5. What do you think? Is this good for social media?
Remember, write in complete sentences. Use well written sentences with good punctuation.. Don't use sentence fragments. Don't just present facts. I'd like your opinion as well.
E-mail the document as an attachment to
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